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One Stop. All Access. We provide our customers, suppliers and partners with online tools that make their jobs easier. Now everything's available on one dashboard. Sign in for convenient access to fleet management, tech pubs, parts purchasing, supplier resources and much more. Register. Log In. Forgot Password?. Beech 36 Series Bonanza Shop Manual (B13) Beech. BEECH 36 - COVERS SERIAL #'s E-1 THRU E BEECH A36 - COVERS SERIAL #'S E THRU E EXCEPT E BEECH A36TC - COVERS SERIAL #'S EA-1 TH View full details. $ "Model 35 Maintenance Manual", Norm Colvin's " Colvin's Clinic" book, American Bonanza Society magazine issues, Lawson Barber's Annual Inspection checklist, and probably other sources now forgotten. Wherever there was a conflict, I tried to use the most recent (most correct?) or "most logical" information.