Considering the provisions of Section 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code and the various provisions of the Legal Remembrancer Manual as obtained in the State of Uttar Pradesh, the Apex Court at paragraph 46 held, the State normally would be bound to follow the principles laid down in the Legal Remembrancer Manual. The provisions of the Legal Remembrancer Manual obtaining in the State . The provisions of Legal Remembrancer's Manual, as referred to above point to an inclination that the recommendation of the District Magistrate on the basis of the report of the Sessions Judge must be accepted to be as final unless of course there are cogent reasons to differ. · This is an Official Website of Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police) that provides online information about CCTNS services, police units, emergency services, citizen services and all the uppolice activities. uppolice keep you safe, suraksha aapki - sankal hamaraMissing: legal remembrancer.
News Update. The Excise Reciepts in financial year Upto March are Rs crores, which are % more than that of last year. Thus registering a growth of Rs. crore or percent. Appeal is made to all that if you know about illegal distillation or illicit Liquor being sold, you can provide information on whatsapp no. The Legal Remembrancer's Manual (for short "the LR Manual") framed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh and Section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr Government's decision to en masse terminate the appointment of District Government Counsel in all the districts as a prelude to fresh appointments. 3. This is an Official Website of Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police) that provides online information about CCTNS services, police units, emergency services, citizen services and all the uppolice activities. uppolice keep you safe, suraksha aapki - sankal hamara.
This is an Official Website of Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police) that provides online information about CCTNS services, police units, emergency services, citizen services and all the uppolice activities. uppolice keep you safe, suraksha aapki - sankal hamara. The provisions of Legal Remembrancer's Manual, as referred to above point to an inclination that the recommendation of the District Magistrate on the basis of the report of the Sessions Judge must be accepted to be as final unless of course there are cogent reasons to differ. He was posted as the Secretary Law and Legal Remembrancer to the Govt. up-to April On 20 April, he was appointed as Director Uttarakhand Judicial and Legal Academy. Shri Gyanendra Kumar Sharma: Was born on 1st July, in Village Govindpuri, District-Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. He did his Law Graduation from Meerut.