· I have a older Kurz Root 25KW Generator. Looks like the exciter/regulator board fried, it's burnt so bad that I'm unable to make out the component #'s. Does anybody have a manual or schematics for this? Here's the name plate info: Kurz Root Co. Appleton, Wis 25KW RPM /VAC 1 phase - Amp. · I have a 3, lbs Kurz Root Co Motor Generator on a small mule trailer, tagged Type MD-4 Stock # N , P/N , that shows AC input three phase v/v 60 cycle and AC putput three phase v/v A cycle KVA, cycle pf; single phase load - delta connected v, amps, kva, cycle pf. The material in this manual is for information only and is subject to change without notice. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is complete and accurate. Kurz Instruments, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the contents of this publication, and therefore assumes no.
The following manuals are Onan manuals that are useful for finding and ordering parts for your MEPA or MEPA. Note that DJE = the Onan engine used in the MEPA and DJF = the Onan engine used in the MEPA. ONAN-SERVICE-MANUAL-YD-GENERATORS-and-CONTROLS; ONAN-SERVICE-MANUAL-MDJA-MDJB-MDJC-MDJE-MDJF-MARINE-DIESEL-GENSET-ENGINES. department of the army technical manual organizational, ds, gs, and depot maintenance manual including repair parts and special tools list generator sets, gasoline and diesel engine driven, trailer mounted pua/g, pu/g, fsn pub/g, fsn pua/u, pu/u, fsn puc/mpq-4, fsn If you want to stay in the know for all things related to Kurz Industrial Solutions and electric motor repair industry news, read more here. Javascript is disabled on your browser. To view this site, you must enable JavaScript or upgrade to a JavaScript-capable browser.
WANT INFORMATION ON GENERATOR AND MANUAL ON 11 1/www.doorway.ruENTAL MOTOR, SERIAL #NS, MFG. 5/ GENERATOR IS A 5KW AC GENERATOR, MODEL #XP, SERIAL #AN I AM LOOKING FOR REPAIR OR OPERATING MANUALS FOR THIS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. JERRY. I have a older Kurz Root 25KW Generator. Looks like the exciter/regulator board fried, it's burnt so bad that I'm unable to make out the component #'s. Does anybody have a manual or schematics for this? Here's the name plate info: Kurz Root Co. Appleton, Wis 25KW RPM /VAC 1 phase - Amp. Supplying Quality Products. We take every measure to ensure that we supply quality, authentic parts including a strict vendor selection process and rigorous product inspections.