The Junior MAX is the latest addition to the Irritrol Systems Junior Series. The Junior Plus, Junior DC and now the Junior MAX make this the most versatile, highly featured and economical controller series on the market today. the manual mode and start the station. If it . Irritrol Junior Dc Getting the books irritrol junior dc now is not type of challenging means. You could not abandoned going considering books accretion or library or borrowing from your connections to entry them. This is an entirely simple means to specifically acquire guide by on-line. This online revelation irritrol junior dc can be one of. Irritrol Junior DC Battery Controller. Model IRRITROL JUNIOR DC BATTERY SINGLE STATION (INC. 1 X MTF VALVE) IRRITROL JUNIOR DC BATTERY 4 STATION ONLY. IRRITROL JUNIOR DC BATTERY SINGLE STATION (INC. 1 X MTF VALVE) - $ AUD IRRITROL JUNIOR DC BATTERY 4 STATION ONLY - $ AUD. Select a Model.
Irritrol Junior DC. $ Add it to Cart to Download Add it to Cart to Download. Add to cart. SKU: Irritrol Junior DC Controller Manual Category: Irritrol Tags: Irritrol Junior DC, Irritrol Junior DC Controller Manual, Irritrol Junior DC Manual. Description. Support. Controller Repair Marketing Support Troubleshooting The One Contractor Rewards Program. Junior DC Junior DC Maximum distance between Junior DC and Irritrol DCL latching solenoid Cable section Max distance (mm2) (m) 0,5 1,0 1,5 Water-resistant IP68 box Use with Irritrol DCL 9 Volt solenoid Codification Code Description JRDCR Junior DC, battery-powered electronic controller, 1 station, without solenoid.
Irritrol junior dc manual pdf. Instruction manual. view more click and drag image to rotate. az irritrol- tól. valve repair size: 3/ 4" - 3" product type: dc latching solenoid; valve compatibility: hardie, irritrol, lawn genie, rainjet, richdel; product details. Product Literature. This section of our Web site offers you immediate access to our entire collection of product literature. Available in PDF format, all of our product sheets can be quickly downloaded by simply clicking on the product name. You can either save the file for future reference or print-color copy. Read Free Irritrol Junior Dc read online for free, however, you need to create an account with Bibliotastic in order to download a book. The site they say will be closed by the end of June , so grab your favorite books as soon as possible. Irritrol Junior Dc Junior™ DC Series When AC power is a problem, the JUNIOR DC battery-.