Carrier Corporation is an American company that creates climate systems and equipment. Is a world leader in air conditioning, heating and ventilation. Carrier is headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut, USA. Carrier has a worldwide network of hundreds of distributors and thousands of dealers who sell, install and service products in countries. Carrier Air Conditioners Manual – Troubleshooting. Before you call HVAC technician for a Carrier air conditioner service, check for these easily solved problems found in Carrier manuals: Check the indoor and outdoor disconnect switches Also check your main electrical panel circuit breakers or fuses. Check for sufficient airflow. Carrier Air Conditioner 38AF. Carrier Air Conditioner User Manual. Pages: 6. See Prices. Showing Products 1 - 50 of
The history of the Carrier brand is the history of the air conditioner as a whole. Over a hundred years ago, Willis Haviland Carrier, a young inventor and scientist, became the creator of the first device that could control temperature and novelty was designed for printing. And in became significant for the history of the air conditioner - Carrier was patented "Air Processing. Carrier Air Conditioner 38AF. Carrier Air Conditioner User Manual. Pages: 6. See Prices. Showing Products 1 - 50 of Download service manuals that meet users safety and operating standards for your air conditioning unit, you can also make a search via the product name. Call 13 Cool (13 ) For Carrier chillers, air handling units and service please call
Carrier Air Conditioner 38BC Installation manual (15 pages) 5: Carrier 38BCS: Carrier. Carrier Air Conditioner 38AF. Carrier Air Conditioner User Manual. Pages: 6. See Prices. Showing Products 1 - 50 of Carrier User Manuals. The manuals from this brand are divided to the category below. You can easily find what you need in a few seconds. Carrier - All manuals (29) Air Condition (3) Air Conditioner (4) Thermostat (14) Trailer Refrigeration (1).