Gnumeric manual

The Gnumeric Manual, version Welcome! How to Use This Manual A Quick Introduction Gnumeric Elements Working with Data Advanced Analysis The Solver Statistical Analysis Graphics: Images, Widgets, and Drawings Graphs Using Worksheets Workbook Settings Configuring Gnumeric Working with Files Printing Getting More Help Reporting a Problem. Free: Gnumeric and its source code are available free of charge, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or version 3. Fast: Gnumeric starts up quickly and handles large spreadsheets while remaining responsive. Accurate: A spreadsheet should calculate the right answer. Gnumeric's built-in functions and tools are accurate as several, . The Gnumeric Manual The Gnumeric Manual, version Gnumeric is a spreadsheet. The goal of Gnumeric is to be the best possible spreadsheet. We are not attempting to clone existing applications (like Microsoft Excel). However, Gnumeric can read files saved with other spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel files included.

The Gnumeric Manual; Prev: Chapter 3. Gnumeric Menus: Next: The File Menu. The File menu is the most important menu in Gnumeric because it gives the user the ability to interact with the computer operating system. This menu allows the user to create files containing all the work they have done. It also enables users to print the results of. DESCRIPTION. Gnumeric is a powerful spreadsheet program created by the GNOME project. Gnumeric intends to compete with commercial spreadsheets by becoming fully compatible with Microsoft Excel (TM) and through the support of most popular spreadsheet file formats such as Excel (TM), Lotus (TM), Applix (TM), Sylk (TM), XBase (TM), Oleo (TM. The Gnumeric Manual Available through the Help menu or online. The Gnumeric Homepage. The GNOME project page. License. Gnumeric is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL), version 2 or 3. For information on this license look at the source code that came with the software or see the GNU project page.

About This Document; The Gnumeric Manual, version Welcome! How to Use This Manual; A Quick Introduction; Gnumeric Elements; Working with Data. The Gnumeric Manual, version ; There are several ways to use this manual depending on what kind of user you are. The Gnumeric Manual, version Welcome! How to Use This Manual; A Quick Introduction; Gnumeric Elements; Working with Data; Advanced Analysis; The Solver.


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