Shop mechanical timers at Here is a list of the most common refrigerator error, fault and function codes and their definitions. Not all codes are listed below since they cannot be resolved without a technician. Fault Code. Definition. FF. Check frozen food for thawing because the temperature is rising too high. PF. The power to the refrigerator has been interrupted. · We have a GE refrigerator #TFX27F that has a "dE" symbol flashing constantly. Doesn't appear to be in defrost mode; I assume the unit's drain pan is full or clogged. Refrig and freezer sections are holding temps and otherwise seem to be operating okay. We pulled out the lower freezer section tray (inside) and noticed a " clump of light gray.
Freezer Troubleshooting: A Compressor Starts Then Kicks Off. Don't call an appliance repairman until you troubleshoot the problem with your freezer. You can avoid paying hefty repair fees if the. Refrigerator Water Tank Location. Water Reservoir Tank or Tubing Location: The plastic water tank or coiled plastic tubing is located inside the fresh food section behind the crisper drawers. I have ge tfx27fh, the freezer works fine but the refrigerator does not work. In the diagnostic panel the sign - Answered by a verified Appliance Technician We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website.
GE 11 Refrigerator User Manual. Open as PDF. of Models 11 and Owner’s Manual and. Installation Instructions. R efr igerators. T op-Freezer. I have a GE side-by-side refrigerator model TFX27F and the defrost (de) light has come on. In reading the manual, - Answered by a verified Appliance Technician We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. GE Appliances' owner manuals offer use and care guidelines, installation instructions and feature guides. Also find Quick spec literature and Energy guides.