Facsaria user s manual

The BD FACSAria™ Fusion Flow Cytometer’s proven dependability and ease of use puts the system in a class of its own. The BD FACSAria™ Fusion System is upgradable and backward compatible. The flow cytometer has been verified to meet personnel and product protection standards for a Class II Type A2 biosafety cabinet and to meet many local. The BD FACSAria™ III Sorter has been used in sorting Treg cells. Representative FoxP3 staining of sorted Tregs. To determine purity, as defined by FoxP3+ status, a portion of the cells was stained with an anti-human FoxP3 antibody conjugated to the BD Horizon™ . This user’s guide contains the instructions necessary to operate and maintain your BD FACSAria™ flow cytometer. Because many instrument functions are controlled by BD FACSDiVa™ software, this guide also contains basic software information needed for instrument setup. For more detailed instructions on how to use the software, refer to the.

For detailed information on software features, refer to the BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual. The BD FACSAria User's Guide assumes you have a working knowledge of basic Microsoft® Windows® operation. If you are not familiar with the Windows operating system, refer to the documentation provided with your computer. Page Conventions. Created Date: 11/11/ AM. IUB Flow Cytometry Core Facility.

Created Date: 11/11/ AM. The new BD FACSAria™ II cell sorter improves ease of use, flexibility, and aseptic capability to make it the best choice for consistent results in sorting across a broad range of applications. The heart of this cell sorting revolution is the true fixed-alignment flow cell, gel-coupled to the collection optics. The BD FACSAria™ Fusion Flow Cytometer’s proven dependability and ease of use puts the system in a class of its own. The BD FACSAria™ Fusion System is upgradable and backward compatible. The flow cytometer has been verified to meet personnel and product protection standards for a Class II Type A2 biosafety cabinet and to meet many local.


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