Diskman4 manual

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DISKMAN4: A powerful all in one utility (Windows/Dos Freeware). Kill CMOS: A tiny utility to wipe cmos (Dos Freeware). can be useful if you have misplaced the manual or lost your router. - DiskMan4 - all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more - BootFix Utility - Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk' - Norton Disk Editor - a powerful disk editing, manual data recovery tool. - Active Kill Disk - Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive. - HDAT2 - main function is testing. DISKMAN4 help file/manual? Facebook; Twitter; MSFN is made available via donations, subscriptions and advertising revenue. The use of ad-blocking software hurts the site. Please disable ad-blocking software or set an exception for MSFN.

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