Service Manual AXSMD Series Dana reserves the right to discontinue or to modify its models and/or procedures and to change specifications at anytime withou t notice. page 35 Carrier Assembly page 23 Drive Pinion page 25 Power Divider page 12 . The description and specifications contained in this service publication are current at the time of printing. Dana Corporation reserves the right to discontinue or to modify its models and/or procedures and to change specifications at any time without notice. Proper service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all motor vehicles or driving axles whether they be front or rear. The service procedures recommended and described in this service manual are effective methods for performing service operations. Some of these service operations require the use of tools.
Dana Corporation, presents this publication to aid in maintenance and overhaul of Dana tandem drive axles. Instructions con-tained herein cover four basic axle models. Their design is common, with differences in load capacity. Capacity variations are. Dana Spicer Light Axle Service Specifications DRIVE PINION NUT Wrench Torque Pinion Bearing Model Size Thread Lbs-ft (N.m) Preload Contolled by Notes (IFS) () Collapsible Spacer 1 (30) () Collapsible Spacer 1 (30) () Solid Shims 2 (Super 30) () Collapsible Spacer 1. The Dana 28 axle assembly has been known to break under severe off-roading. Even the Dana 35 is prone to break under severe conditions, but is generally stronger than the Dana If you plan on doing a lot of off-roading, you should know how to replace an axle shaft on the trail.
Dana Corporation, presents this publication to aid in maintenance and overhaul of Dana tandem drive axles. Instructions con-tained herein cover four basic axle models. Their design is common, with differences in load capacity. Capacity variations are. Spicer ® Tandem Drive Axles Service Manual AXSMD Series D Series. Dana 35 Ring Gear and Pinion, Differential Part Illustration, You supply parts Save Money! Below you can find an illustrated parts drawing for a Dana 35 differential. We offer a complete line of rear end parts for the DANA 35 differential. You can purchase high quality ring and pinion sets in various ratios, high quality bearing rear end.