Community water management training manual

Manual Modules and Sessions. The Manual for the Irrigation System Management Training of Irrigators Associations consists of six modules. Each module has an introductory portion and three topics. The contents of each topic can be considered as inputs for a training session. Using the contents of each module, learning processes can be designed to. Community Based Management for Sustainable Water Supply in Malawi Swithern Matamula, Malawi training packages and manuals), capacity building activities at different levels and regular follow up, participatory monitoring and evalu-ation activities. in the past, community involvement meant the local people providing local labour to dig. This training manual was developed by the Federal Technical Vocational Education and Training (FTVET) Agency in collaboration with Ethiopian Water Technology Institute (EWTI), TVET polytechnic colleges and the Feed the Future Growth though Nutrition Activity – Jhpiego.

The Conservancy Committee, senior community members, traditional authorities, joint venture partners, managers, rners in schools, wildlife clubs Duration of MODULE The training for this Module will usually last about 5 hours (i.e., <1 day) although specific sections may be expanded to meet the needs of the participants at a given workshop. Water Safety Plan (WSP) is a comprehensive risk assessment and management approach for improving and maintaining drinking water quality from catchment to consumers. There are more than 42, water supply schemes. At the beginning, most of them started supplying safe water; however these schemes have been polluted over the years dues. community management, curricula, manuals, sdipar, teachers: Abstract: This manual provides background on key concepts and skill, and innovative tools to help improve the training of field staff related to community management of water and sanitation services. The manual is divided in two parts. Part I covers the theory of concepts and approaches.

this background, this training manual is developed. It has three major parts i.e. facilitator’s handbook, participant’s workbook and presentations structured in eight modules, which can be customized to the extent applicable. This training manual is structured according to the WSPs developed by WHO and DWSS and draws from practical. Step 1 Conduct field survey of target water point using a questionnaire (Refer to Tool 1) Step 2: Conduct the primary selection based on the selection criteria Step 3 Quantify the OM management condition in each of the selected water points in Step 1. Description of each selection step is as follows. Community Water Management, LLC began sub-metering multi-family housing in Athens-Clarke County Georgia in June of It is our goal to provide condominium associations and owners of apartments a means for accurately billing of the water their residents use; thereby transferring responsibility for payment of water used to the consumer.


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